A descendant of the Bone family of Warren County has sent us a desk that was used by her great grandfather when he worked here as an engineer.
The Bone family has a history of great inventions. One of their family members invented reinforced concrete making it possible for Lebanon to build the concrete bridge on South Broadway.
This desk was built around 1850 and has four drawers, two cubbies on either side and a hidden compartment.
In the picture above the desk shows a pretty cornice board across the top. The cornice is actually hinged and lifts up to show cubby holes.
The desk is on display in the Mote Gallery for now but will be moving into the surveyors office as its permanent home.
We thank Mrs. Betty Bone Schiess for her generosity. Mrs. Schiess is 90 years old and had the desk shipped to us from her home in New York.
Dear Friends: It was my great grandfather, a farmer, who used this desk to match horses. It was my grandfather who invented re=enforced concrete