Friday, March 30, 2012

Auditions for Glendower Historic Characters

Steve Kaier as General Durbin Ward, second Owner of Glendower
Liz Graulwelman and her son Nate as Lucy Boake and Rigdon Williams at the Lantern Light Cemetery Tour in Lebanon.

Auditions for Glendower Historic Characters

The Warren County Historical Society announces auditions for the Glendower Historic Characters beginning March 27 through April 28, 2012. Anyone wishing to volunteer as a historic character should call 513-932-1817 to set up an interview. 

The Glendower Historic Characters (GHCS) are an all-volunteer group who portray people from Warren County’s history. Many of the GHCS act as tour guides at Glendower Historic Mansion. Others portray Lebanon’s dear departed at the Lantern Light Cemetery Tours and the Pioneer Cemetery Tours.  

Persons interested in volunteering should like history and be willing to study their character in detail. Volunteers can also play more than one character.  

Some of the characters we will portray this year include:
 Lebanon’s founder, Icabod Corwin and /or his wife Sarah
 Mathias and/or Patience Corwin, parents of Governor Thomas Corwin
Governor Tom Corwin
 teacher Francis Dunlavy and/ or his wife, Revolutionary War nurse and veteran, Mary Craig Dunlavy
 John and/ or Mary Yarnell Lincoln, great uncle of Abraham Lincoln
 Judge Joshua Collett
 Green Tree Tavern owner and former Shaker Nathan Sharp
 Colonel Lewis Drake of the War of 1812 or his wife Rachel Lincoln Drake, cousin of Abraham Lincoln
 Mary Ann Klingling of Mary Haven fame or her brother pharmacist John Klingling
One of the four Harner sisters killed one afternoon when lighting hit their home’s chimney (all four died at the same time)
 Jededia Tingle, grandfather of William Elmer Harmon
William Elmer Harmon; his brother early aviator Clifford Harmon
Sculpture Vernon Jones

Warren County Historical Society, 105 S. Broadway, Lebanon, OH 45036 513-932-1817

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